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Stock Lengths
Stock Lengths
Sizes #3 through #11 Grade 60 in 20', 30', 40', and 60' lengths
Epoxy and Galvanized Rebar available upon request
Wire Mesh
Wire Mesh
We stock the following sizes in 8' x 20' sheets:
6 x 6 W1.4/W1.4
6 x 6 W2.1/W2.1
6 x 6 W2.9/W2.9
6 x 6 W4.0/W4.0
4 x 4 W2.9/W2.9
4 x 4 W4.0/W4.0
Bar Supports
Bar Supports
(SB) Slab Bolster
(SBR) Slab Bolster - Upper
(CHCU) Continuous High Chair - Upper
(BB) Beam Bolster
Plastic Grade Chairs
Individual High Chairs - Metal
Plastic Tilt Up Chairs
Concrete Bricks
Smooth Dowels
Rebar Couplers
Form Savers
Rebar Caps
Expansion Joint Material
Tie Wire - Loop and Coil
Rebar Grade Stakes
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